4 results for month: 10/2014

Murals of Bushwick – Part I

The thing that cracks me up about photography is that you can take a picture of a beautiful piece of art and voila, now it's "your," art, too. While I am no way claiming these amazing murals have anything to do with me, I am happy to share with you some great stuff people are doing on the street. I moved to Bushwick only a few months ago, but the thing that has really stood out to me so far is the vast and eclectic array of really well conceived and executed murals. Here's a peek at what art a leisurely stroll through Bushwick has to offer.

Flying Rats

When I think of New York City, inevitably somewhere on the list of things that come to mind is your friendly neighborhood bird man. You know of Mike Tyson, you've seen the lady in Home Alone 2 - these people exist - and now, I have my very own. Some dreams do come true, after all. The balcony on my apartment faces the inside of the block and across the way lives the Bird Man. He usually either bare chested or wearing a three piece and always carrying a stick with a rag tied to it that he waves over his head to conduct the pigeon orchestra that is flying overhead in tight circles around the top of his building. I have no problem admitting that I ...

Hearty Beef Stew

When it's cold outside, for my money there is little better than a hearty stew. Throw in some toasted sour dough bread and we're bordering on last meal territory. Open a...

Harbinger of Stew

Nature can be harbinger of many things. Sometimes these things are wild and destructive, summoning forces that can only be categorized as an Act of fill-in-the-blank-with-your-favorite-deity, awing us with its power and energy. When the leaves rustle in the wind, showing their underbellies and their edges curling towards the sky, you can all but guarantee yourself that it’s’a’gonna rain soon. Other times it’s a welcomed cool morning in July or that random heat wave in January when you first realize that you can no longer fit into your shorts from last summer (thank you, holidays). Today, the cool fall air is a harbinger of stew. Beef stew, to ...